Speakers |
Fernando M. B. Marques PhD. Prof. |
Title: CO2 separation membranes: innovative combination of known materials Full Professor at the Dept. of Materials and Ceramic Eng., University of Aveiro, Portugal, which he joined in 1979. The main research interest is the study of the relationships between composition, defect structure, processing and properties of ceramic materials usually identified as ionic, mixed ionic and electronic, and dominant electronic conductors. These materials are used in energy production, storage and conservation (sensors, membranes for the selective separation of O2 or CO2, fuel cells and electrolysers). He is a member of various committees of international conferences and journals and co-authored more than two hundred articles indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge. He collaborates often with a large number of international institutions, particularly in Brazil, as Special Guest Researcher at IPEN (2013-2015), S. Paulo, under the program Science without Borders.
José A. Odriozola PhD, Prof. |
Title: H2 cleanup in Structured Catalytic Reactors Chair of Inorganic Chemistry of the University of Sevilla and Research Professor of the Materials Science Institute of Sevilla, Spain. Fellow of the Spanish Society of Catalysis and of the American Chemical Society Ph.D. in Chemistry by the University of Sevilla (1981), Associate Professor (January 1985) and further Chair of Inorganic Chemistry at the University of Sevilla since 1997. Postdoctoral studies at Lawerence Berkeley Laboratory under Gabor Somorjai’s supervisión. Visiting or invited Professor at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, University of Rennes 1, Universidad Nacional Autónoma of Mexico and University of Strasbourg. Head of the Materials Science and Technology Panel of the Spanish National Agency for Evaluation and Prospective, ANEP (2004-2006). From November 2008 to February 2016 Head of the Inorganic Chemistry Department. From September 2009 Head of the doctoral School of the University of Sevilla and Extremadura on Science and Technology of Materials. Head of the Surface Science and Catalysis Laboratory since 1996, has focussed his research in the surface chemistry of materials. Among these studies catalyst synthesis and characterization of surface species under reaction conditions are especially noteworthy. Moreover, as a result of the strong cooperation with copper and steel mills of the region the group has acquired a reputed expertise on the surface characterisation of steels and other metallic substrates. This expertise together with the background y Catalysis has driven the group to develop a new research line focussed on the manufacture and study of micromonoliths and microchannel reactors for energetic and environmental catalytic applications. The selection of papers and projects that follows tries to show up the main interests of the last years research
Dr. Daniel Marinha |
Title:Flash sintering: Advances and Perspectives in Ceramic Processing Bachelor Degree in Materials Science and Engineering, and Erasmus Mundus Masters in Materials Science awarded from the University of Aveiro, Portugal. In 2007 started working with strontium-cobaltites perovskite electrodes for SOFC during PhD in Electrochemistry at the Grenoble Institute of Technology, France. In 2010 moved to Brazil for a post doc at the Federal University of Santa Catarina and then a second post doc back in Grenoble in flash sintering of YSZ. Works at the Saint-Gobain CREE since 2012 as research engineer on high temperature conductive ceramics.
Mr. Adrian Heuer |
Title: Battery system technology - From cells to systems and system integration Diploma in Business informatics and Master of Science. Iis project leader in the team battery system technology of Fraunhofer ISE. He mainly works in projects about aging mechanisms and aging prediction for lithium-ion batteries for electric mobility and stationary applications. Additionally he studied several passive and active cell-balancing algorithms and developed a test bench to verify tests. |
Antonio Avalos Ramirez, Eng., Ph.D. |
Title: Application of electrochemistry in Canadian industrial sector Dr. Avalos Ramirez is a researcher in environmental engineering, bioprocesses and thermochemical processes at the “Electrochemical and Environmental Technology Center” (CNETE, technological transfer center of College Shawinigan). He is 14-year experience specialist in treatment of air polluted with volatile organic compounds and greenhouse gases using biological and photocatalytic processes. Other fields of expertise are: wastewater treatment using biological and physicochemical processes, integration and simulation of chemical and biological processes, and valorisation of biomasses in biofuels. Dr. Avalos Ramirez collaborates with education and research institutes from Spain, France and Mexico in research projects about bio-fuels production, materials, and measure and control of greenhouse gases emissions
Dr.-Ing. Julian Schwenzel
Title: Engineering of next generation batteries - Impact of Processing University degree in Physics from the University of Kiel, Germany. In 2003 finished the PhD in material science under supervision of Prof. Weppner at the chair for Sensors and Solid State Ionics at Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. The topic was the development of all solid state thin film batteries with special research interests in solid state electrolytes for lithium ion batteries. Afterwards working as R & D Project Manager at Applied Materials Inc. with special focus on manufacturing technologies for flat panel displays and OLEDs. Since 2008 head of department Electrical Energy Storage at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Advanced Materials IFAM in Bremen and Oldenburg. The research interests are in the field of component and system development for electrical energy storage technologies. The special focus is on next generation batteries and the associated manufacturing technologies for example all solid state batteries and metal air batteries. |
Andreas Sauer Msc. Ing. |
Title: International Benchmarking and German Roadmapping on LIB for xEV – R&D Trends, Market Development and Outlook Andreas Sauer has been working at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI in Karlsruhe as a scientific researcher since June 2011. He studied Business Engineering at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), formerly Universität Karlsruhe (TH), with temporary stays abroad, among others at the Auckland University of Technology (AUT) in New Zealand and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Norway. He completed his studies with a diploma thesis titled “Development of a product-roadmap lithium-ion batteries 2030” in May 2011. His work focus includes market-related aspects and economics of emerging technologies with focus on nanotechnology and its different applications, the state of the scientific and technological knowledge and innovations in advanced battery research, development and manufacturing in the context of the future trend electric mobility and stationary energy storage and future-oriented technology scanning and monitoring. He currently is a PhD student with Prof. Dr. Alexander Gerybadze at the University of Hohenheim. His doctoral project proposed carries the working title “Functional dynamics of technological innovation systems in the field of renewable energy technologies: The case of worldwide dissemination of purely battery-powered vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles. |
Isolda Costa PhD. Prof. |
Title: Corrosion of metallic biomaterials and its effects Chemical engineer from the Faculty of Chemical Engineering (Unicamp) (1981), Masters in Nuclear Technology, the University of São Paulo / Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (1986), Ph.D. in corrosion from the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology / Corrosion and Protection Centre (1992), England. Researcher holder of the Institute of Energy and Nuclear Research (IPEN / CNEN-SP) since 1984. It operates in the corrosion area as responsible for Electrochemistry Laboratory and Protective Coatings Science Center and Materials Technology. Guides students in undergraduate, master's and doctorate and has research partnership with several national and international groups. It is the coordinator of international cooperation programs with France and has research collaboration with England. It has 153 papers published in international and national journals, 1 book and 3 patents. The current interest research topics are Corrosion application of aluminum alloys in the aerospace industry, metallic biomaterials Corrosion and Corrosion of duplex stainless steels. |
Idalina Aoki PhD. Prof. |
Title: Designing self-healing coatings with anticorrosion properties Bachelor's degree in Chemistry with technological functions from the University of São Paulo (1977), master's degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1982) and a PhD in Chemical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (1987). Currently is a professor at the University of São Paulo in the Chemical Engineering Department. Has experience in the field of Chemical and Materials Engineering and in corrosion, mainly in the following themes: atmospheric corrosion, corrosion inhibitors and surface treatment of metals such as carbon steel and aluminum with polysilanes and hybrid coatings. Currently the focus of its research is in the development of microcapsules containing self-healing agents or inhibitors to be additivated in paints and also the development of nanorreservatórios obtained by layer-by-layer method containing corrosion inhibitor silica nanoparticles. |
Luiz F. Dick PhD. Prof. |
Title: Traditional and New Applications of Anodizing Degree in Metallurgical Engineering from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, UFRGS (1981), (2) Master of Engineering and Materials Science at the Graduate in Eng. Program. Mining, Metallurgical and Materials (PPGEM) of UFRGS ( 1986) with Master "sandwich" from October 1986 to May 1985 as a DAAD scholarship-GTZ for carrying out the experimental part and Diplomarbeit the Corrosion Institute of Erlangen-Nürnberg-Universität, Germany and (3) PhD in corrosion (Dr. Ing ) by the Faculty of Corrosion Institute of Materials Science of Erlangen-Nürnberg-Universität (1991), a scholarship DAAD-CNPq. Currently is Associate Professor IV of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, has experience in Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, with an emphasis on Corrosion and Electrochemical Processes, acting on the following topics:. Anodizing for corrosion protection and manufacturing materials nanostructures of different metals and alloys; Corrosion of Al alloys, Mg, Ti, carbon steel and stainless, corrrosão of stainless welds, galvanized sheet metal, deal-alloys soldads pro FSW), hydrogen permeation; Electrochemical techniques, SVET and SECM; MET & SEM; Corrosion products; Pickling and Corrosion and Microstructure of Electroplated. |
Patricio Impinnisi PhD. Prof. |
Title: Lead acid Battery for start-stop applications Degree in Physics - Lomonosov Moscow State University (1989 ) , Master in Mathematical Physics - Lomonosov Moscow State University (1991 ) and PhD in Chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos (1995 ). Currently is a researcher at the Institute of Technology for Development - LACTEC , Associate professor at Department of Electrical Engineering from Federal University of Paraná - UFPR , Program Associate Professor of Post Graduation in Materials Science and Engineering - PIPE Federal University of Paraná - UFPR and the Graduate Program in Technology - PRODETEC LACTEC. Has experience in Chemistry with emphasis on Electrochemistry , mainly in the following areas : lead-acid batteries (production and operation) , electrochemical impedance, fuel cells (operation) , energy storage systems and alternative energy sources. |
Nelson Stradioto PhD. Prof. |
Title:Electrochemical Sensors for Biofuels Industry Degree in chemistry from USP (FFCLRP), Master's and Doctorate by USP (IFQSC), Associate Professor and Full Professor at USP (FFCLRP). He is currently Professor at UNESP (IQ), which conducts research related to Electrochemical Sensors, Detectors Electroanalytical coupled with Separation Methods and Electrochemical Techniques of Analysis in the Bioenergy area with emphasis on Biofuels, Bioproducts, Biomass and Biorefineries. |
Ronaldo C. Farias PhD. Prof. |
Title: Ultrasensitive Electrochemical Immunoassays for Biomarker Detection Ronaldo C. Faria's degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos (1992), master's degree in analytical chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos (1995), PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos (2000) and post-doctorate at University of Connecticut (2011-2012). He is currently associate professor in the Department of Chemistry and Pro-Rector Deputy of the Federal University of São Carlos. Acts as advisor accredited at the Graduate Program in Chemistry Department of Chemistry of the Federal University of São Carlos. He has experience in Analytical Chemistry, with emphasis on Electroanalytic and microbalance quartz crystal, acting on the following topics: development of sensors and biosensors with emphasis on the development of methods for determination of protein biomarkers for the diagnosis of diseases in humans and plants. |
Priscila Cervini |
Title: Developing graphite-polyurethane composite electrode material for electroanalytical applications Priscila Cervini was born and educated in São Carlos/SP, Brazil (1978), obtaining her bachelor’s degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) in 1999. Her master degree was obtained in Organic Chemistry from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) in 2002. Her Master’s thesis involved the dimedone as starting material in the synthesis of 4.4-dimethyl-2-isopropenyl-cyclopentanol. Biological activities of the synthesized compounds. After, her doctoral studies in Analytical Chemistry in 2006, from the University of São Paulo (USP) were concluded. Her doctoral thesis was dedicated to the application of composite electrodes based on polyurethane-graphite. Between 2006 and 2009, Priscila concluded her post doc from USP in Electroanalytical Chemistry, in the development and application of composite electrodes based on graphite-polyurethane modified with molecularly imprinted polymers. Currently works as laboratory expert in group-LATEQS/USP with the Prof. Dr. Éder Tadeu Gomes Cavalheiro. Her research interests in electroanalysis field include the development of electrode materials and their applications to pharmaceuticals and biologically relevant molecules. Her research group-LATEQS has authored 25 journal publications and presented over 100 communications at various congresses and scientific meetings.
Carlos Sakuramoto Eng. PhD. |
Title: Deconstructing to Build the Future of the Automotive Industry in Brazil Mechanical-Aeronautical Engineer - graduated from ITA, with MBA and PhD in dynamics of nonlinear systems and artificial neural network, with large experience in Design, Research & Development and also Finite Elements Analysis (dynamic, transient and non-linear systems) in both areas: Product and Manufacturing Engineering. Currently is responsible for technology and innovation in all manufacturing engineering centers at General Motors of Brazil and South America. |
Zehbour Panossian |
Title: Solving practical problems with electrochemical techniques Doctor of Science, researcher of Laboratory for Corrosion and Protection and Innovation Director of the Institute for Technological Research of São Paulo State. Visiting post-graduate professor of Department of Metallurgical and Material Engineering of the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo. Instructor of more than 50 courses related to corrosion and protection. Member of the Consulting Board of ABRACO - Brazilian Association of Corrosion. Brazilian member of ICC (International of Corrosion Council). Ad-hoc consultant of CNPq (National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development), FINEP (Research and Project Financing), FAPESP (São Paulo Research Foundation) and CYTED (Programa iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo). Reviewer of the following journals: Corrosion Science, Materials Research, Journal of ASTM International, International Journal of Corrosion, Energy, Engineering Failure Analysis, Revista Ingenieria E Investigacion, Engineering Science and Technology, Journal of Materials and Engineering Performance, Corrosão e Proteção. Vice chairman of the committee STG 35 - National Association of Corrosion Engineering. Vice chairman of the Committee of Atmospheric Corrosion of ABNT (Brazilian Association for Standardization). Author of 4 books and 280 published papers. Coordination of 65 research projects. |
Eliana Muccillo PhD. Prof. |
Title: Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy of Electroceramics Senior Researcher of the Center of Materials Science and Technology, Energy and Nuclear Research Institute. She obtained her Ph.D at the University of S. Paulo. She has more than 100 published papers in international journals, two book chapters, and two patents. She is also teacher of the post graduation program of the University of S. Paulo. She has already coordinated 20 scientific proposals and is associate researcher of one of the Excellence Centers of FAPESP for Research and Innovation: the Center of Research and Development of Functional Materials. She was recentlyCited in the book: “Successful Women Ceramic and Glass Scientists and Engineers: 100 inspiral profiles” by Lynnette Madsen, Wiley, 2016. |
Rosana Domingues PhD. Prof. |
Title: Some results of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells research in LaMPaC-UFMG Graduated in Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1981), master's degree in Chemistry from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1984) and PhD in Solid Electrochemical - Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (1988). It is currently a partner - Ceelbio - Technology LTD Ceramics and professor at the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Has experience in the area of chemical and materials engineering, with emphasis on fuel cells, acting on the following topics: fuel cells, biomaterials, impedance spectroscopy, electrochemistry and ceramic. Participates in the graduate programs of chemistry department and Chemical Engineering as well as being a faculty member of the PhD Course MBA in Innovation and Biopharmaceutical, all of UFMG. Coordinator of large projects involving companies such as Cemig and EMBRAER the fuel cell area. |
José Francisco da Silva Eng. Dr. |
Title:Electrochemical stripping of zinc coating for revealing intermetallic layer Metallurgical Laboratory Manager and Quality Product (August / 2011 - Current), Quality Laboratory Coordinator and Product Release (January / 2005 to July / 2011). Product Coordinator: Responsible for product development (January / 2005 to June / 2007). Process Coordinator: Responsible for GI Technology Transfer (November / 2001 to December / 2004); Main activities: Development of new products and process improvement. Development of cooperative processes with customers and suppliers on projects of mutual interest in order to improve the product performance. Interaction with marketing departments, sales and metallurgy projects for technical assistance and steel application engineering. |
Fábio Henrique Barros de Lima PhD. Prof. |
Title: Electrocatalysis of Reactions Involved in Fuel Cells and Metal/Air Batteries Fabio H. B. Lima (1978) graduated in Chemistry at University of Sao Paulo, São Carlos, in 2001. He obtained his Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry at the Institute of Chemistry of São Carlos of the University of São Paulo (IQSC/USP), São Carlos, in 2006, with a stage at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (USA, NY), in 2005. He spent 12 months as a postdoctoral IQSC fellow between 2006 and 2008. In 2008 he was appointed Assistant Professor at the Physical Chemistry Department in the same Institution. He published 43 papers, receiving 1961 citations - June/2016 - Scopus). Prof. Lima is currently interested in the following topics: Synthesis, characterization and investigation of activity of nanoestructured electrocatalysts for the following reactions: (i) electro-oxidation of organic molecules such as ethanol and formic acid/formate ions and inorganic fuels such as hidrazine and borohydride ions; (ii) electroreduction of oxygen; (ii) electrocatalysis of water splitting; (iv) electrocatalysis of reacton involved in hydrogen storage: CO2/formic acid or CO2/formate ions cycles, and electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide. These reactions are involved in electrochemical energy conversion and storage devices, such as batteries, fuel cells, electrolyzers, electrochemical reformers, and regenerative electrochemical devices |
Vanessa V. Pappetti Canhete Eng. Msc. |
Title:Support Programme to Increase Competitiveness of Brazilian Industry Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Campinas (2003). Specialization in Industrial Management from the University of São Paulo. Nine years of experience working in large industries in the development and optimization of processes and management of innovation and technology projects. It has also experience in quality management and production. He is currently manager of the Chemistry Network on Innovation and Technology Unit at SENAI National Department in Brasilia. |